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Lets Play – Payment Clearing for Erotic Shop

Since the beginning of 2013, AMORELIE has been selling selected, high-quality love toys in a stylish as well as inspiring shopping environment online and offline in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and France. With the vision that relationships are the key to personal happiness, AMORELIE has managed to de-taboo love life products and integrate them as a great part of an open and modern lifestyle.

As one of the leading brands for love life, AMORELIE has brought an entire industry into the center of society and helped to make dealing with topics like sensuality and sexuality a matter of course. This is how AMORELIE promotes a positive body feeling for more happy, sensual and intense moments – in pairs or alone.

AMORELIE itself also wanted more time for the important things and so decided as early as 2016 to use the accounts receivable management including payment clearing from nexnet. As a central partner of the ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, the subscription management specialist has been the first choice for the leading German sex online store.

Thanks to the use of SAP FI-CA, the large amount of customer data and invoices is no problem for nexnet’s systems. Thanks to its great expertise, AMORELIE’s international expansion is easy for the leading BPO service provider. nexnet masters foreign currencies and different tax rates off the cuff and is always on hand to advise customers.

Another advantage for AMORELIE is the certification-capable accounting of the Berlin-based subscription management specialist. All sales are kept in a sub-ledger and transferred to the AMORELIE general ledger on a monthly basis. nexnet takes over the accounts receivable management incl. of payment clearing in full BPO operation. For this purpose, nexnet relies exclusively on its own data centers in Germany. The high German data protection requirements are thus met and regularly monitored by external auditors. The system connection between AMORELIE and nexnet is structured identically to the other ProSiebenSat.1 holdings.

AMORELIE made the topic of sex toys socially acceptable.

Due to nexnet’s high quality standards, all processes, products and applications are planned and realized in such a way that they meet customer requirements, legal regulations as well as internal and external quality standards. Controls are carried out as part of an internal control system (ICS) that complies with auditing standards PS 951 and PS 331, thus additionally ensuring SOX compliance. The general audits on the effectiveness of the internal control system are carried out by an independent auditing institute.

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Picture of Autorin<br>Stephanie Timm
Stephanie Timm

Seit rund 3 Jahren Redakteurin und Content Creator bei nexnet GmbH. Geschult in den Themen Billing, Payment und Finanzmanagement recherchiert und verfasst sie Texte, die dem Leser nicht nur die spannende Welt von Billing, Debitorenmanagement, Payment Clearing und Co. näherbringen, sondern sie berichtet auch über Änderungen zu den Regularien in diesen Bereichen.