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Payment Clearing from nexnet

Cleverly manage payments and individual transactions

Save time and money with payment clearing

Our Payment Clearing offers exactly the right solution if you want to monitor your financial transactions efficiently, securely and conveniently! We permanently inform you about all money movements, their completeness, due date and correctness. Payment Clearing from nexnet reconciles all financial transactions with the sales data from your online stores, marketplaces or offline sales channels.

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Are you using zuora's subscription billing platform?

Even then, we have a secure and efficient solution for monitoring all financial transactions for you. Because with the financial accounting for zuora you can use all the advantages of nexnet.

Switch to nexnet now

Leave financial monitoring and transaction management to the experts

We provide monitoring of all payment transactions – from purchase in the store to receipt of funds in your bank account – for each purchase transaction and for each buyer. This allows you to record all business transactions for you in a mass-capable accounts receivable system.

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Zu unseren Kunden gehören namhafte Automobilhersteller, Streamingdienste, Unternehmen aus Handel, E-Commerce, der Medien- und Telekommunikationsbranche.

Performance overview

With nexnet the clearing of your financial transactions succeeds

Receivables management

Monitoring of all receivables from your end customers


Processing and posting of all money movements in all currencies, with daily updated exchange rates


Aggregation level for DWH and BI solutions or provision of standard reporting


Highest standards of IT security and data protection, as well as own data center in Germany

Market experience

We are experts with more than 20 years of experience in payment clearing


Data processing
all major PSP and acquirers – Adyen, Amazon, Billpay, Computop, Concardis, Ebay, Internetq, Payone, Paypal, Sumup and others.

Efficient payment clearing

All financial transactions at a glance

Overview of activated payment service providers

Your payment service provider is not included? We are happy to integrate your payment service providers as part of an individual setup. Feel free to contact us.

Service Payment Provider

Always the right payment method at hand

The choice and number of payment options in an online store has an enormous impact on conversion. nexnet therefore offers a wide range of payment service providers already as standard.

E-commerce optimization

Achieve your goals more efficiently

Regardless of your company size, nexnet optimizes your e-commerce business. nexnet keeps a permanent overview of your cash movements and their completeness, due dates and corrections.

All services at a glance

Subledger accounting
Revenue booking from business with already developed PSPs
Expenses from business with PSP already developed
Sales posting from business with other PSPs outside the list
Expense posting from business with other PSPs outside the list
Payment monitoring
direct end-customer payments
for retail payments via PSP according to list
for disbursements PSP according to list
Bank processing via account statement
Bank processing via account access
UST & input tax calculation for German companies
for sales in Germany
for sales in the EU
for sales in third country
Advance sales tax returns
Individual tax codes
VAT & input tax calculation for foreign companies
for sales in the country of the company
for sales in the EU
for sales in third country
Monthly closing
Sales Report
Cost report/Effort report
Open items list end customer
Totals and balances list
Open items list for connected PSPs according to list
Sales & pre-tax report
Additional list for the advance return for sales tax
Age structure for open items end customer
Age structure for open items PSP according to list
Automatic document comparison with the general ledger
Daily document reconciliation with the general ledger
Document exchange via standard Rest API
Document exchange via individual API
Document exchange for PSP according to list
Financial accounting for zuora
PS-951 Certification
GoBD (German principles for the proper keeping and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access)
10 years Retention of receipts
Secure document exchange via SSL and access data
Secure document exchange via VPN tunnel
Receivables management
Execution of direct debits
Dunning procedure for outstanding end customer receivables
Create reminders
Printing & sending reminders
Generate end customer invoices
Printing & mailing of end customer invoices
CRM / Contract management
Subscription & Contract Management
Support for subledger accounting
Support for end customers
Standard support supervision
Individual support

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